Inaugural-ities: The Presidential Inauguration went off with nary a hitch on Monday. The U.S. Capitol welcomed the jaw-dropping talents of Beyonce and Kelly Clarkson to sing the National Anthem and My Country Tis’ of Thee respectively and President Obama gave his inaugural speech, fast becoming known as “his most progressive speech he has ever made” (Time Magazine). As for the inaugural ball, there was glitz, glamor and dancing all night long.
LA Venues 2013: BizBash highlighted 10 new venues opening in Los Angeles this winter. New opportunities arise with the grand opening of conference centers and event spaces in the LA and OC areas while several restaurants have created rooms designed specifically for meetings and gatherings large or small.
Technology: Facebook Graph Search continues to generate buzz. Event planners and businesses should start to think strategies on how to use the new search feature to publicize their pages. Looks like SEO will reach a whole new level.
Flu blues: Unless you live under a rock (in which case you probably wouldn’t need to know this, actually) the flu has reached epidemic proportions in 47 of the 50 states in the US and is just now starting to hit California. Entrepreneur.com created an infographic showing the impact the flu has in the workplace and ways to avoid getting sick yourself.
Special shout-out to Alltop: Fairplex Insider wanted to give a special shout-out to Alltop and a quick thanks for adding us to their event planning page! You can check it out here.
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