How many lifetimes can a person experience? For Mimi Figueroa, that number is four… so far.
Mimi has volunteered with us for 15 years, working in the Flower & Garden Pavilion during Fair and, more recently, in The Farm at Fairplex.
She calls her years with the Fair her “fourth life,” having had an extraordinary number of life experiences before coming to us:
Mimi grew up in Argentina, eventually moving to France where she was a professional ballerina, dancing for many years. After that, her “second life” began when she joined the famous Ringling Bros. as a performer — rollerskating while suspended 100 ft in the air. She traveled with the troupe for three years, performing everywhere from England to as far as Russia.
Mimi eventually moved to America for school, beginning what she calls her “third life” as a quality & control inspector for none other than NASA.
Several careers and continents later, we’re glad she now spends her time with us! She has been a resident of Pomona for more than 40 years.
Yesterday we had the honor of celebrating Mimi’s 90th birthday with her. Our community team invited her fellow volunteers and her other friends to The Farm at Fairplex for a luncheon celebration.
Her spunky attitude and love for what she does brings a positive energy to our team that we value greatly.Thank you Mimi for all you do for Fairplex, and happy birthday!
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