Applications, SATs vs ACTs, financial aid, choosing a major — the college selection process can seem overwhelming, whether you’re a student or a parent. The more you plan ahead, the more organized and prepared you will be, and the So Cal College Fair is a great way to get started.
The Learning Centers at Fairplex has invited many universities, tech, trade and community colleges to the expo, where students and parents will have the opportunity to explore different majors and career paths, speak with school representatives and learn about financial aid opportunities specific to each school.
We will also be hosting informational seminars on test preparation, application tips, scholarships, financial aid and other useful subjects.
Even if you aren’t planning on attending college for a couple years, it’s never too early to start seeing what’s out there and forming a plan for what life might look like after high school. P.S. The event is completely free and open to everyone.
For more information, visit
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