
RVing is Still the Cheapest Kind of Vacation

October 7, 2008

On the Road Again. . . Did you know? Despite record-breaking fuel prices, typical RV trips remain the least expensive type of vacation, according to a new study by PKF Consulting. “Typical RV family vacations are on average 27 to 61 percent less expensive than other types of vacations studied,” the report found. When the 56th…

June Vroom!

June 3, 2008

June Vroom! It looked like this on June 3 before the races started.   On Friday, June 6 through Sunday, June 8, it will look and sound like this! Nearly 10,000 race fans per day come to see and experience Championship Off-Road Racing (CORR) at Fairplex. This is fast, dirty, fender-to-bumper action with 2- and…