This past weekend was a busy (but fun) one for us. Fairplex went off-campus for several events but as always there was plenty happening here too. Keep reading to see how things went:
Learning Expo
The 9th annual Ross/McCracken Learning Expo turned Expo Hall 9 into a giant interactive classroom on Sunday afternoon.
Families had the opportunity to explore the vast world of science — biology, astronomy. oceanography, physics and more — through hands-on learning, demonstrations and more.
We had a blast hosting this lively, educational event! Thanks to all in our community who came to check it out, and the students who created the exhibits!
Cinco de Mayo Festival
Our infield played host to the lively Cinco de Mayo festival on Sunday afternoon! Hosted by radio station Que Buena, a number of popular Latino artists showed to sing, play and dance with the crowd.

Upland Lemon Festival
Although some may not know this, Fairplex has worked with the City of Upland to produce the annual Upland Lemon Festival since 2013. We enjoy working with the nearby community and have a blast watching the crowds enjoy themselves!
Live music from local bands, shopping, dining, carnival rides & games and other local features made this one of our favorite events of the weekend!
Southern California Tasting & Auction at Cal Poly Pomona
Our hotel restaurant McKinley’s Grille had quite the successful day at the annual Cal Poly Pomona fundraising food & drink event. Our staff whipped up Baja Shrimp Ceviche tostadas which proved to be quite popular with visitors!
We had a blast at each and every one of our events. Did you attend any of them? Share your experience with us in the comments below!
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