Rescue and adopt a new four-legged friend, audition for The Dog Whisperer TV show, meet Pabst, the World’s Ugliest Dog and Brewster, the World’s Tallest Puppy, meet the Wildlife Waystation’s exotic residents, including a bobcat and a Golden Eagle, meet Disney’s Air Bud, USC’s white horse mascot, Traveler, marvel at the agility cats and the handicapped Valley View Vaulters. It’s all at the West Coast Pet Expo this weekend at Fairplex.
Saturday, Nov. 14 – Sunday, Nov. 15
Fairplex 4
10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Admission: (cash only) ATMs are available
$10 for Adults
$6 for Seniors (65+)
$6 for Children ages 4-12
Free for kids under 3
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