Good Vibrations

August 14, 2008

They line up at the Fair, discreetly tucked away between food stands or photo booths, not making direct eye contact with you but careful not to look away. They aren’t the big attraction but they know they are needed. It wouldn’t be the Fair without them. With their scintillating wit, they know they can’t compete…

Buy Online and Save!!

August 11, 2008

Isn’t it amazing how much stuff we can do online? When online purchasing first came about, I was leery. But then I started ordering clothes, toys, books, CDs from overseas, then practically my entire Christmas list. What I do a lot of now is buying tickets to events. It’s so easy and some of them…

A Fair for All

August 8, 2008

I find that the Fair is often thought of as a “young” persons attraction – whether it’s for parents to bring their youngsters to pet some four-legged critters or teens to come and have fun with friends, trying those gravity-defying rides or college students out to hear some great music. But the Fair – our…

They Call Me Mister Chicken

August 2, 2008

If you’ve been to the L.A. County Fair, you know him.  Maybe not by sight or by his full name, but definitely from his amazing, deep fried concoctions. Deep-fried Oreos. Deep-fried avocados . Delectable Krispy Kreme chicken sandwiches with Swiss cheese drizzled in honey. He’s Charlie Boghosian, or Chicken Charlie as he is more commonly…

40 Days and Counting

July 28, 2008

Did someone say 40 days until the L.A. County Fair? Really? Alrighty then. On with the countdown! 40 days until: –          – Hot Dog on a Stick (you so knew that would be first!) –          – You can milk a goat –          – You can try this totally cool ride where you lay down on…