Calling All Cooks, Crafters and Kids

April 3, 2009

blueribbonAll right all you competitive souls of all ages – time to break out the recipes, sharpen those knitting needles and get your crayons and water paints ready. It’s contest time at the L.A. County Fair! There are blue ribbons to be won (and in some cases, cash!) That’s right – we are putting the call out for your best chocolate chip cookies, your best scrapbook page and for you youngsters, your best art work.
Culinary, home arts and kids contests and competitions are the heart of tradition here at the Fair. They’re fun and exciting, and our crew tries to keep them current by adding new additions each year.
OK, no shoving or hair pulling, no name calling. Everyone walks away with at least a participants ribbon and the knowledge that they tried their best! Here is a link to our competitions page. Make sure you read the rules and note that there are different deadlines for the competitions! So, what are you going to enter into the L.A. County Fair? Here are a few contests to think about:
Tablescaping – categories this year include Under the Sea, Motion Picture Perfect, Return of Romance.
In Culinary, there is the amazing perfect pasta sauce, best chocolate chip cookie, the always-fun BBQ contest, run for the fair (where contestants have to find ingredients for their masterpiece from food vendors at the Fair), newkidspam this year is the live cupcake decorating and, everyone’s favorite, SPAM!
America’s Kids has a ton of fun contests for kids, including art, sewing, cooking and events for families to enter.
Come on – enter! Next year it could be your picture up here holding the coveted blue ribbon!

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