Pomona Kids Dig What’s Growing at FairView Farms

July 28, 2010

Did you know carrots aren’t just orange? They can be black (actually deep purple), pink, and white. And mint can come in all kinds of flavors, including chocolate mint. Imagine, a candy bar in a leaf … delish!
That’s just what about 50 kids from Pomona Hope, a local non-profit community organization, learned when they visited FarmView Farms’ garden at Fairplex on Tuesday afternoon. 
FairView Farms not only spotlights agriculture, but will feature Western Days & Rodeo Nights with all kinds of fast-paced action at this year’s L.A. County Fair, Sept. 4-Oct. 3. 
Emily Peine, director of programs at Pomona Hope Community Center, organized the field trip. Pomona Hope has its own community garden in which the children help out, all under the supervision of lead gardener Drew Rushlow, who helped set up the visit. 
Don DeLano, Fairplex landscape supervisor, led a tour through the garden for the children and their teen and adult leaders. The group saw an amazing variety of fruits and vegetables growing on the 1/4-acre farm – lots of lettuces, herbs (thyme, dill, tarragon, chives, and more), radishes, peppers, chili peppers, eggplant, tomatoes (of all colors and sizes), squash, peaches, olives, and so much more. 
Many of those vegetables became ingredients for the al fresco dinner the group enjoyed after the tour. David Tieg, head chef at McKinley’s Grill at the Fairplex Sheraton, regularly harvests seasonal fruits and vegetables from the garden to offer the freshest ingredients on his diverse restaurant menu. 
Garden guests enjoyed grilled eggplant, squash and tomatoes; a green salad packed with just-harvested veggies and a tomato salad using several varieties of the red fruit; carnitas; hand-made corn tortillas grilled on the spot; refried beans and rice; all topped off by a peach crisp dessert using juicy fruits right off of trees in the FairView Farms orchard. 
Not only were little tummies full of delicious fresh foods by the end of the evening, young minds were full of ideas for their own gardens.
See more photos of all the fun on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/lacountyfair.

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