Bring in Canned Food, Get into the Fair for Free

August 25, 2009

privateselectionsServing the community is great, and doing so out of the kindness of one’s heart is the best way to do it. And, sometimes, if a special treat comes with the effort, that’s nice, too! The L.A. County Fair and Ralphs grocery store are teaming up to give — and give back.
Ralphs Food Drive Fridays are hitting the Fair this year. Guests who bring five Ralphs private label canned products to the Fair will get in free! Use your Oprah voice – “FAAAAREEEEEEEEE!” (Oprah always turns one-syllable words into two). The food will be donated to Feeding America, formerly Second Harvest Food Bank.
What a win-win situation! Start saving your Ralphs private label cans! You can visit the Fair, for free, at least four times!

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