Hello, Have You Met My Friend the 1,400 Lb. Angus Cow?

September 2, 2008

Well, you must come to the L.A. County Fair to do so. She and two of her friends arrived at FairView Farms today bursting with life – literally! The three – two Black Angus and one Red – are expecting. With a little luck, they will deliver during Fair hours, which will provide our Fairguests with an amazing experience to see nature take its course right before our eyes!
The three Angus cows are on loan from Cal Poly Pomona. I happened to be in FairView Farms when they arrived this morning. They were easily herded into their large pen by FairView Farms’ resident cowboy and all-round agriculture guru Sky Shivers and his staff.
Other animals are already in FairView Farms, waiting to offer an agricultural adventure beyond compare. The goats are in place, as are the sheep, some pigs and quite a few of the cutest puppies I’ve ever seen!
So, three more days! Mark your calendar, grab the camera. It’s almost time for the Big Show…

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