Deadlines Comin' Up if You Want That Blue Ribbon

June 21, 2011

You think you make the best chocolate chip cookies in the world? Well, belly up to the baking bar and lay your recipe on the table. The deadlines to enter the many contests and competitions at the L.A. County Fair are coming up – so no more procrastinating! You know you like to brag. We all do. It’s human nature. So what better way to say my cookies/cake/quilt/enchiladas/hummus is/are better than yours than by winning a blue ribbon? And it’s a lovely blue, too. Goes with everything.
There are different deadlines for contests for Culinary Styles, Tapestry and America’s Kids so be sure to check our website but here is a brief run-down (and remember these are deadlines for entry forms. Read all the rules and regulations for each individual contest regarding delivery deadlines):
Tapestry – June 28, that’s for photography, pottery, arts and crafts, jewelry, quilting and other textile arts.
Tablescaping – July 22.
Culinary Styles – June 28 for preserved foods and Aug. 5 for baked food and confections and featured contests (chocolate chip cookies, brownie, best cheesecake, and new this year best hummus and tabbouleh).
America’s Kids – July 6.
Winning a blue ribbon – that should be one of the things on your bucket list. So stop reading now and enter!

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