He Hammered a Nail Where?

September 6, 2008

Well we told you the Fair offers something for everyone, and we meant it. This weekend we have popular magician/freak stunt artist John Shaw. By freak stunt artist, we mean unusual acts of body manipulation. That’s right – John hammers nails into his nose. See for yourself:

It doesn’t end there. He “trapped” the tip of his tongue in a mousetrap, swallowed an inflated balloon (completely swallowed – we never saw it again, and hopefully never will), and hung fish hooks from his eyelids then had an audience member attach a bucket to the hooks with chains, add water to the bucket and then swung the bucket from side to side. Look:

John became fascinated with magic at age 8. At 10, he was the youngster in the audience at a circus side show who pulled the sword out of the sword swallower’s throat. John turned professional at 16, being completely self-taught. He said he studied a lot of human anatomy and biology. He now spends more than 200 days on the road, performing stunts that can only be described as not humanly possible. Unless you are John Shaw…

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