WINNER! Giveaway #7: True or False

September 23, 2012

Congratulations to Jose for being our daily winner on this beautiful Sunday! As all of you correctly guessed, this is NOT Mojo’s first time at the Fair. She and the rest of her exotic friends are very familiar with Pomona this time of year and they are always happy to greet guests.
We are launching our last special giveaway of the year later today so make sure to check back! Thank you to everyone who participated 😀
Well readers, we are already on our seventh daily giveaway. Today our plans include visiting Thor over at America’s Kids, checking out some of the food competitions over at Culinary Styles and taking a trip over to see Mojo at her African Safari! On that note, the question you’ll want to answer for today is:

True or False: This is Mojo the Weeper Capuchin monkey’s first year at the Fair.

Answer in the comment box below and we will announce a winner tomorrow afternoon! Winner will be, as usual, selected at random.

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